Faye and I are so very thrilled with Joshua and are doing our best to enjoy all the developmental stages he is going through. He has a most enjoyable temperment and is literally always smiling.. As I write this post at 10:00pm Joshua is asleep on the carpet about 2 metres away from me, Faye and Sydney have been cutting up carrots which will then be packed and frozen or use later when our Short Term Leadership Development Students arrive for training. Larnelle is away for the Easter weekend at a farm. She has gone there with some friends and will be back on Tuesday..
We have experienced so much rain in this region of late it has been quite something. The countryside is wonderfully green and lush and the mosquitoes are out in force.. The rivers have been flowing and we took some time out recently to spend a Sunday afternoon at the river..
The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and even Joshua had his time in the river...
Sydney and Larnelle attempted to build sand castles and we had our work cut out for us trying to prevent Joshua from eating the sand.. The river is a great place to collect smooth pebbles to lay around the flowers. Of ourse Faye collected pebbles and some sand for use at the Training centre..

Check these two darlings. Sydney trying to instruct her baby brother on how to really play in the water, and of course Joshua is determined to do it his own way..
Our days have been full, preparing for the Short Term Leadership Development school which starts soon.. This past weekend we have had 12 students on site for Choose To Wait training. Faye and I shared the load of ensuring that coffee, tea and food were available and the meals were served on time.
You will recall that my car was damaged in a collision on the highway.. My car goes to the panelbeaters on Tuesday after easter and I hope it will be completed within a few days. Something that has been such a blessing has been my dealings with the other driver who was at fault. There has been no complications with obtaining the money to cover repairs and all the discussions have been pleasant and friendly.. I have to admit I am looking forward to seeing my car repaired and looking good again..
Despite my car being damaged I have been able to use it - reminds me that even though life, family or friends may let us down and cause us injury (damage), if we will, God will still use us for His purposes..
Faye and I wish all our family and friends a blessed and enjoyable Easter break.. yes Jesus died and was buried in a tomb - But Hallelujah He rose again on the third day and now sits at the right had of God the Father making intercession (speaking on our behalf) to the Father for us..
Jesus Died to give us life - May the significance of Christ's death and resurrection become more real and more clear this Easter..