Next in line was the whole family. There was a bug in the air and all of us were down with colds and coughs.. I (Eric) was down for about a week, Joshua and Sydney for 10 days and Faye still has a nasty sounding cough.. It does seem though that we are over the worst.. Joshua's cold was compounded by the fact he was cutting some really large back teeth on his lower jaw..
The other evening we went to the senior citizens home, along with the children from Sydney's Kindergarten.. With lanterns they made at Kindergarten during the week we listened with joy as the children walked among the housing units singing a variety of songs in both English and German..
Larnelle has once again impressed us with her performance at school. She obtained all A's and one C. Her average mark aside from the C was in the mid 90's.. She continues to excel as a prefect and on meeting the school principal in Spar he made a point of telling me how wonderful Larnelle is and that we can be proud of her..
We are still awaiting news on the status of our work permit renewals.. It appears that whilst the permits are being finalised, we will be granted work visas (valid for 3 months) until such time as our work permit renewals have been finalised. Once we have the work visas, we plan to make definite plans to travel home to Bulawayo for a visit.. We have not been home in more than a year and would really like to visit our family and friends and introduce them to Joshua..
Faye and Joshua sharing a fun moment together..
Eric holding on to Joshua while watching Sydney and her school friends sing to the senior citizens.
Brother and sister eating Doritos outside the kitchen window while sitting at the front door..
Eric and the guys from Manna Church music team..
OFC Okahandja's response to KFC.. I think Larnelle's Face says it all - Not about the chicken BUT about her dad taking pictures of her.. Oh by the way Larnelle had an unpleasant experience a few days ago.. She was using my Brand New Nokia 2630 Cell phone and had it snatched out of her hand. The thief ran away and I guess we can kiss the phone goodbye. We have blocked the phone and the SIM card was a pay as you go line.. My dear daughter has learned a valuable lesson and will definitely take more care with her cell phone in the future.. We are simply glad that she was not in any way harmed and that aside from the sheer frightening nature of being robbed she seems to be just fine..
Faye and I look forward to hearing from friends and family and we do thank you for praying for us and also for those who partner with us as missionaries in a financial and material way. We are very thankful to you...
We are still awaiting news on the status of our work permit renewals.. It appears that whilst the permits are being finalised, we will be granted work visas (valid for 3 months) until such time as our work permit renewals have been finalised. Once we have the work visas, we plan to make definite plans to travel home to Bulawayo for a visit.. We have not been home in more than a year and would really like to visit our family and friends and introduce them to Joshua..
Eric holding on to Joshua while watching Sydney and her school friends sing to the senior citizens.
Faye and I look forward to hearing from friends and family and we do thank you for praying for us and also for those who partner with us as missionaries in a financial and material way. We are very thankful to you...