The prophet Isaiah says..
Isa 43:18-20
18 "Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past.
19 "Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
20 "The beasts of the field will glorify me; the jackals and the ostriches; because I have given waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people. (NAS)
What a call from this Old Testament Prophet -- A major DO NOT..
Do Not Live in the Past..
Trying to move forward with eyes fixed on what is behind is an exercise in futility.. God reminds us here not to allow the past to so fill our thinking and our vision that all we do is repeat the past.. The past has happened and there's nothing we can do in the present to change it, the best we can do is to learn from the past.. The past teaches us some important things - i) What we ought not to do ii) What we ought to do.. iii) What we can and cannot do I am sure there are many more important lessons the past can teach us..
The past is however a seemingly attractive place to remain.. perhaps because it is so familiar..
The future however carries with it a significant degree of uncertainty and unpredictability..
To help us and motivate us to embrace the future - after all, that is where the rest of our life will be spent, God gives Isaiah a Word for us ..
> I am doing something NEW
> I will make a way in the wilderness, a place where no roads exist
> I will create rivers in the desert
> I will do these things so that MY people will have drink (provision)..
The one certain reality that we have as we face 2009 is the character and nature of God.. There can be no greater security..
In 2008 some had hope in an election process - It failed
There was hope in a negotiation process - it has failed
There was hope in an economic system - It has failed
Those who placed there hope and trust in the living God have learned one GREAT thing - HE HAS NOT FAILED and HE NEVER WILL..
So I am facing 2009 with the confidence that the Lord Jesus, who never changes and who promises to be with me every day will sustain my family and I. I am looking forward to the NEW things HE is doing, for the means of provision in the face of a global recession, rising inflation and shortages of food.. for his roadway through a year where nothing seems set.. He will make a way for His people and they Will have drink (Provision)..
Faye and I are saying goodbye to a year that has been very challenging, and at times overwhelming YET our God has sustained us.. Now we face 2009 with even greater confidence in Him, in His Call to us and His Committment to us.. Our committment to HIM is stronger today than yesterday..
my Motto for this year:
His Promises and Provision are Mine in 2009 !