Plans were being made in September for me to visit Zimbabwe with my colleague, Tony Duran. It would have been a wonderful opportunity to see friends and family during the ten days or so that we would be home. Unfortunately the trip to Zimbabwe did not take place, but I was offered a ride to Johannesburg with a friend who is currently the National Director of Youth For Christ-Namibia.
The journey to JHB was quite eventful--The plan was to travel through to Gaborone on a Saturday and spend the night with very special friends - Toby and Doll Ralph. We would join them for fellowship on Sunday morning and then move on
to JHB after lunch and my friends would collect me from the YFC centre in the Magaliesburg area..
We left Okahandja at 6am on the Saturday and after 15 mins of travel had a flat. Now the fun began. The jack did not lift the vehicle of the ground sufficiently for the flat wheel to be removed and the spare fitted.. So we removed the flat and began to dig a hole under the hub so that we would have space to fit the spare- sound like a good plan - Only one problem.. We are on the side of the main road and as a long haul truck passed the combi was moved and slid off the jack onto the ground.. Okay so we dig another hole to get the jack into position to lift the car BUT it was still not enough to lift it so that the spare could be fitted- Thankfully a good friend, Johnny Pedreiro willingly came our and helped us with his jack and we got the spare fitted and on our way.. By the time we stopped in Windhoek and had the flat repaired and resumed our journey about two and a half hours had passed. When w
e were leaving Windhoek we should really have already been at the Botswana border..
No problems getting through the border, except the shock of the new road taxes etc.. BUT .... Oh yes there is more to come..

About thirty kilometres before the little town of Kang (375kms from the border) we ??? Ran out of fuel ! Now way you say.. Oh yes.. Well what to do now? Walk.. That was our only option. So Stanley and I start walking.. We walked for about 25 mins before a vehicle stopped to give us a ride into Kang.. Yippee..
we get there and buy ten litres of fuel and ??? start walking back again.. We are now walking into the sun and carrying a twenty litre plastic container with ten litres of fuel - Had a nostalgia attack as I remembered what it was like in Zimbabwe with fuel containers etc.. At any rate God favoured us and a long haul
Namibian trucker stopped to give us a ride.. yes I finally got to ride in an air conditioned Scania rig.. Every cloud had a silver lining..
Okay so now we have the fuel, we're back at the combi and our journey resumes - Oh by the way - Travelling with us was Stanley's wife (Desiree), their son Justin (4yrs) and daughter Rachel (8 months).. Another two hours have passed -

so all in all we have had our journey extended by four and a half hours.. Arriving in Gabs at night and looking out for Toby was fun.. We found each other and were treated to a phenomenal chicken curry and roti dinner (prepared by one Mrs Gwen Harry..
Toby and Doll
Seeing friends we have not seen for some time was refreshing and a great blessing..
To add to this was the enjoyment of sharing in their worship service the following Sunday morning..

Rowan and Gwen Harry
The service was excellent and we were treated to a very special lunch- in fact it was so enjoyable that by the time we checked our watches it was already 3pm !! We still had to drive through to JHB.. Our trip to JHB was without any major negative event, we did get ourselves temporarily misplaced for about 30 minutes, but who's counting?
The next post will talk about JHB ..