As a family we had really hoped to travel home (Bulawayo, Zimbabwe) for Christmas and New Year.. But it just seems it was not meant to be. Despite submitting our work permit renewals a few months ago, they have unfortunately not been finalised and this has meant we could not leave Namibia and travel home.. How do we feel about it? Pretty disappointed and saddened.. However I have to confess that in the midst of the sadness and disappointment I can see how God is at work to care for us.. I was asked to conduct a wedding on Saturday 22nd December and because we were still in Namibia I was able to do so.. At the evening reception a lady came over to me and asked if I was from Zimbabwe... on finding out that indeed I was she immediately told me she had a message for me from some friends in Johannesburg.. my dear friends Mark Pendy, his wife Cassandra and her brother Mark Bismark.. Now here's the interesting thing.. She saw my friends in January 2007 and somehow was unable to get hold of me and find me- until Saturday.. My heart was so filled with joy that at a time when depression was like a rain-filled cloud hanging over our heads we get this message which brightened up our day/night.
Finally, we received an email advising that one of our ministry partners in the USA had sent us a significant financial gift - just before Christmas.. In all of these things we have seen the blessings of God. We have also acknowledged that whilst we are saddened at not being able to go home for Christmas there are many whom God would have us minister to right here in Namibia this Christmas..
My family wishes all of you a blessed Christmas and may 2008 bring you much joy and success.
ps Please do continue to pray for Zimbabwe.. The time is nigh for change and I am praying that God will set the ball rolling soon and we will see Zimbabwe rise from it current state and its people experience peace and freedom in 2008.

Eric K. Garnie