Monday, 24 December 2007

Christmas 2007

It's Monday morning, Christmas Eve 2007.. The year has passed swiftly and is hurrying to a close..

As a family we had really hoped to travel home (Bulawayo, Zimbabwe) for Christmas and New Year.. But it just seems it was not meant to be. Despite submitting our work permit renewals a few months ago, they have unfortunately not been finalised and this has meant we could not leave Namibia and travel home.. How do we feel about it? Pretty disappointed and saddened.. However I have to confess that in the midst of the sadness and disappointment I can see how God is at work to care for us.. I was asked to conduct a wedding on Saturday 22nd December and because we were still in Namibia I was able to do so.. At the evening reception a lady came over to me and asked if I was from Zimbabwe... on finding out that indeed I was she immediately told me she had a message for me from some friends in Johannesburg.. my dear friends Mark Pendy, his wife Cassandra and her brother Mark Bismark.. Now here's the interesting thing.. She saw my friends in January 2007 and somehow was unable to get hold of me and find me- until Saturday.. My heart was so filled with joy that at a time when depression was like a rain-filled cloud hanging over our heads we get this message which brightened up our day/night.
Some friends from Okahandja came to see us the other day and asked if we would keep an eye on their house and make sure to feed their dog (Odie).. They also gave us permission to use the swimming pool and to make use of the DSTV, essentially be at home and make use of the house. Once again the Lord reminds me that He will seek to bless us... If that was not enough, a farmer friend called us and asked if we would stay at his house for about a week whilst he and his family are away on vacation.. We said yes and now will be able to take some time away from the centre and relax and as a family just enjoy some down time...

Finally, we received an email advising that one of our ministry partners in the USA had sent us a significant financial gift - just before Christmas.. In all of these things we have seen the blessings of God. We have also acknowledged that whilst we are saddened at not being able to go home for Christmas there are many whom God would have us minister to right here in Namibia this Christmas..

My family wishes all of you a blessed Christmas and may 2008 bring you much joy and success.

ps Please do continue to pray for Zimbabwe.. The time is nigh for change and I am praying that God will set the ball rolling soon and we will see Zimbabwe rise from it current state and its people experience peace and freedom in 2008.

Eric K. Garnie

Monday, 3 December 2007

Leadership is Being There to Care !

The first day of December is set aside on the World calendar as " World Aids Day".. All across the globe on a variety of stages there are messages declared concerning various aspects of this Global Pandemic. Movie stars, Media Icons, Presidents and Prime Ministers alike all take to the stage to make a plethora of calls to bring about a halt to the Aids pandemic.

Many are the ways that each espouses and one can be critical of each.. One thing however is very clear and common to all is the reality that Aids is a global reality that requires a multiplicity of responses to bring about a reduction in new infections, care for Orphans and vulnerable children, reduction of stigmatisation toward those living with Aids, prevention of transmission from mother to child, provision of appropriate counselling and care for those who become aware of their positive status etc etc.. The list is seemingly endless.

This years theme placed the focus exactly where I believe it should be.. LEADERSHIP !!

The theme for the day was: Leadership is Being There to Care..

When leaders lead well, even the most serious of situations or most troubling of conditions have a greater chance of being taken care of.

It was my privilege to travel with Berdian Beukes (Country Director- Namibia), to the Southern town of Keetmanshoop. The Governor of the region visited our children's home - The Ark and spoke to our staff and children. After being presented with a John Maxwell Leadership Bible
the Governor joined the children outside to plant a tree.
Our children helped make the speech time more bearable by providing entertainment for the the guests, in the form of some very enjoyable and wonderful dance presentations..
All in all it was an enjoyable afternoon meeting and we are thankful for the opportunity to have brought our home to the attention of the Governor. Governor Boois pledged a financial gift to the home and also gave a special gift towards a Christmas party for the children..
Larnelle and Sydney are both very pleased that it is now school holidays and Larnelle is particularly please because it means she can spend lots of time with her friends.. Sydney of course spends a lot of time with us and presents us with quite a challenge as to maintaining a balance with work and ensuring she does not feel neglected or left out.
The weather at the moment is extremely hot and we are very hopeful for the rains to begin within the next week or so. We need a healthy rainy season this year..
So let's be there to care, not only for those with HIV BUT also for our families and our friends. After all we all need to know we are loved and to have the experiential reality of that fact..

Thursday, 29 November 2007

End Of the Year Plans..

Faye and I had hoped that we would be able to make the trip to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (Home) for Christmas, wanting of course to spend time with family and friends as well as share the blesing of our son, Joshua Eric..
Faye and I serve as missionaries with Christ's Hope International and are in Namibia on the acceptance by the Namibian Government that we are playing a role in the fight against HIV/Aids. We have been blessed with 2years in Namibia and thankful to God for this wonderful country that we are growing to love very much. We have submitted applications to renew our permits but as yet have not received notification from the Ministry of Home Affairs as to the status of our application. As a result of this we have decided that we will not be travelling out of Namibia until the work permit situation is finalised.
Whilst this development has caused us a measure of sadness, we are also quite excited at the prospect of spending our first Christmas in Namibia. In addition to this we have also determined that we will endeavour to bring blessing to our volunteers and other staff who will be away from their families this Christmas..
In the time we have been in Namibia we have established friendships with quite a few families who have shown us love and acceptance without which our adjustment to Namibia. One of the families we have drawn close to and with whom have had wonderful times of fellowship has now asked me to conduct the wedding ceremony of their son. The wedding is scheduled for 22 December and I have confirmed may availability. What a privilege to be asked to have a role in the life of this young couple whom we have only known for a few short months..
You can expect some more updates in the next few weeks as we head towards this joyous time of Christmas..

Tuesday, 13 November 2007


This past Tuesday evening we were all excited about attending the Krabbeland end of year graduation night. Krabbeland is the day centre that Sydney attends from Monday to Friday. Earlier on in the year we were asked to help our child make an instrument which would be used at this graduation event so we were quite excited to see our precious Sydney and her friends make music and celebrate the end of their school year.

Events such as these prove quite a challenge for Faye and I because all the speaking is done in Afrikaans..

Sydney and her classmates took to the stage and to the sounds of the song " I Am a Music Man" they entertained us all. Sydney played her drum which Faye made for her.. Sydney of course is not in a graduating class so will be back at pre-school next year. It is so easy to notice Sydney amongst her friends simply because she is the smallest of them all. At this point we are unsure of which school she will attend as there is a very strong possibility that Krabbeland will close its doors at the end of this year.

On Saturday I had one of those times of wanting to kick myself. After servicing and cleaning my car I later had to go and fetch Larnelle from a friends house. As I reversed in the Centre courtyard I did not notice some galvanised iron sheets piled up on the floor close to the garage door.. As I reversed I heard the sound of rapidly moving air - Yes you guessed it.. A tyre was cut by the sheeting. At first I was tempted to be angry with the staff who placed the sheets on the floor.. after all couldn't they have found somewhere else to put them, where they would not cause damage... BUT then it dawned on me that I had seen the sheets there in the morning and had walked past them several times in the course of the morning.. So why didn't I do something ?? At the end of it all I came to grips with the reality that I had not paid sufficient attention and now had a tyre with quite a large cut in the sidewall. Thankfully the tyre repair people were able to repair it but told me to simply keep it as a spare as they could not give any kind of guarantee on this kind of repair.. In a moment of reflection I smiled at the realisation of how quickly I sought to apportion blame to somebody else rather than take responsibility for my oversight..

As I write these words I am happy to tell you that it has started to rain heavily and the sound of rain drops on the roof are music to my ears. Hopefully the temperatures will come down to a more comfortable level..

Tonight I will be attending a Pastors Bible class in Five Rand (a squatter settlement about 7kms from town) where I have been asked to teach on and lead Worship with the Pastors. These are pastors who have signed up to be equipped and given instruction to improve their leadership as they lead their churches. There will be about eight pastors and they all speak Luchazi - yes I will be working with and interpreter. Many years ago (as a teen) I was involved in ministry in Bulawayo's (Zimbabwe) high density suburbs and frequently work with translators.. At the time I simply thought it a necessary inconvenience BUT now I see it as being preparation for times such as this.

Faye, Larnelle, Sydney, Joshua and I are doing well and praying that God would make a way for us to visit our families and friends in Zimbabwe before the end of the year.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Prayer and Fasting in Rehoboth

I had the privilege of leading Bible Study for our Christ's Hope staff on the Monday of our monthly weekend of prayer and fasting. I chose to look at Paul's word to the Ephesian church of the armour of God..
We devoted much time to praying for the various Christ's Hope Ministry and Mobilisation Nations, focusing on their particular needs, projects and ministry programmes. All of us were greatly encouraged as we read of the answers to prayer in some of the nations.
One prayer request that is close to our hearts is that of the work permit renewal applications. These have been submitted and we are all praying they will be renewed so that we can continue with the ministry God has called us to.
We also devoted time to praying that God would energise and motivate our International Board Members and Country Directors as they seek to implement decisions made at the recently held International Board meeting held in the UK.
As we approach the Christmas period please continue to partner us in prayer for the many children God has entrusted into our care as well as the HIV infected people who require much love and care.. By God's grace and through His power we and our staff are making a difference in people's lives - By your prayer and financial investment you too are making a huge and significant difference. God bless you..

How Quickly Time Passes

This past Saturday (3 Nov) we invited some friends to join us in celebrating the fourth (4th) anniversary of Sydney's birth. Larnelle even had some of her school mates come for the afternoon to help with games, keeping an eye on the children, serving the children with their food and refreshments..

Just hours before the party we noticed that Sydney was not her normal very active self and checking her noted her temperature was quite high. Despite being a bit unwell, Sydney participated in her party and had an enjoyable time. Of course the high point came when she was able to open her birthday presents.. Any thoughts we had of keeping the wrapping paper for later use were dispelled as Sydney and her helpers literally ripped open the presents.
How quickly the time has passed.. I was in Wezep-Netherlands on the day Sydney was born in 2003. On Saturday I sat with her and played with her here in Okahandja and marvelled at how good God has been to us. I guess our only sadness was in not having any close family with us to enjoy this very special day.
The Apostle Paul writes to the Ephesian Christians and tells them to make the most of every opportunity- as I watched my children at the party I was struck by the realisation that I too must make the most of every opportunity with my children, for soon they will not be children but young adults. Already we are seeing Larnelle spreading her social wings as well as developing pretty strong views on some issues - and she's only 11 years old !
These two short video clip (no sound- my digital camera does not record sound) will give you some idea of the fun we had..

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

God Does It..

This morning during devotions with the staff at the Ark (Okahandja) our walk with Nehemiah lead us to look at the topic of PLANNING.. I reminded our staff that devotions are the time to become stimulated spiritually and mentally rather than do full exhaustive study of a topic. There were three things that we looked at this morning.. The staff were also encouraged to make time later to thnk about what we touch on during our devotions.


1. Because God does ! Jer 29:11; 1 Cor 14:33

2. God Commands it ! 1 Cor 14:40; Prov 4:26; Prov 16:9

3. It's good stewardship ! Eph 5:15-17

I reminded them that wise leaders MAKE TIME FOR THINK TIME !

We all agreed that whilst we see Planning as Biblically mandated we were unanimous in our agreement that our planning must NEVER seek to remove God's involvement and that all we do hinges on God actually guiding us in the planning process and ultimately endorsing our plans by anointing them to succeed.

Tomorrow (Thursday) we will complete our cursory look into this topic and deal with with the practical aspects of planning..

Tomrrow is a significant day in that it marks the beginning of the meeting of the International Board of Christ's Hope. With an extremely full agenda, please would you pray that our board members would remain focused, they enjoy good health and that God would give wisdom to them all as they debate and make decisions for the continued growth and strengthening of Christ's Hope. The Meeting starts tomorrow in the UK at 8:00am (U.K. time) and will end on the 4th November..

Thanks for joining and supporting us in this way...

Monday, 29 October 2007

Okahandja Mini Fair

This past weekend saw the sleepy town of Okahandja come alive with activity as the Annual Mini Fair got underway. While at the fair Faye took some pictures of the girls enjoying the water slide. Faye also took a short video (no Sound) which we have uploaded for you to have a look at. In her haste to help Sydney off the slide, Faye forgot to switch of the camera so you will see some footage of the lawn..

I was part of our church volleyball team and had a great time until the final game when after making an amazing block on the net I sprained my ankle. I came down to ground and my foot landed on top of that of an opposition player resulting in the twisting of my right ankle.. Thankfully I am able to walk on it, so I guess the damage is not too bad.

This week I will be leading the staff of the Ark in Okahandja in their devotions. I will be looking into some Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah.. I'll post more on that at the end of the week..

Herewith some pictures of our day at the Mini Fair

Eric's Sprained Ankle...

Friday, 26 October 2007

46 - Can You Believe It ??

Today I celebrate the forty sixth anniversary of my birth.. Yes I am 46yrs old today. I have read that men go through something called a mid life crisis during the 40-45 yr period, which I guess means that I have just been through mine. Not sure what was supposed to happen and if it did I have no idea what it was..

I am deeply grateful to Almighty God for the 46yrs I have been granted and am looking forward to the next 50yrs in His service.

New addition:- I have been in touch with our webnmaster and am hoping to make it possible to host our newsletters on the web and have them available for you to read. Once this is done I'll notify you..

Thursday, 25 October 2007

That Time Of The Year !

Just yesterday Faye and I submitted our applications to have our work permits renewed. As always this time of the year brings with it a measure of unrest and uncertainty. Aside from the firm belief that this is where God has called us to serve, we are also concerned about Larnelle's schooling. Next year will be her final year in primary school and she will start high school in 2009. We feel that moving her in this final year of Primary Schooling would have a significant negative effect on her. Larnell has settled down very well since moving to Namibia in 2006. She has made good friends, has learned Afrikaans and generally adapted to life in Okahandja. We are so proud of the fact that she has been made a prefect at school for the remainder of this year and for all of next year.

Our work in Christ's Hope is not done and when I ponder on all that must still be done I am overwhelmed and realise that this work will fail if I attempt it in my own strength. The prophet Zechariah says :-

Zech 4:6

6 Then he answered and said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel saying, 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts. (NAS)

Please uphold us in prayer that our permits will be renewed, that we will remain in His perfect peace as we wait for the decision by the Ministry of Home Affairs. We value your prayers would love to hear from you.

Joshua has a slight cold at the moment and it is quite painful to hear him coughing. In spite of this he remains cheerful and contented.. This is the face we are so blessed to see daily..
To all who partner with us prayerfully and financially we again express our deep appreciation. THANK YOU !

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

It's Done - Thanks Everyone..

The sitting room (Open Plan)
The Dining Area (Open Plan)
Faye and Sydney preparing dinner..

We are blessed to live in this comfortable flat and are deeply grateful to all who gave of their time, resources and skill to complete what Sydney calls 'Our new house'..

2 Cor 9:10-15

10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.14 And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you.15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!(NIV)

Many Hands Make light Work

These two guys came at just the right time to give skilled input. Michael (front) is from USA and Jonathan from Canada..
Macho guys - who needs a crane ?
A birdseye view of the place that would be our bedrooms and bathrooms..
Jonathan.. Master stair builder..

The "House" We Built !

It's been said that a picture can say a 1000 words.. Well I don't have a thousand words but I do have a few pictures to show the progress of the four bedroomed flat that Faye and I are now very blessed to call 'home'

The work gets started..

An empty space ready to be shaped into the sitting room, dining area and Kitchen.
Laying floor rafters..
I look quite skilled ?

You can expect more pictures in the next post..

Monday, 15 October 2007

Moved to Respond

She is over 60 years old and is a missionary here in Okahandja Namibia. This past Sunday she attended the service at which I was preaching on the topic "Attempting Great Things For God"

I drew attention to the following three things as one steps forward to attempt great things for God.
1. Rely Totally on the holy Spirit.
2. Don't be afraid of failure or success.
3. Don't be afraid of weakness.

At the close of the service this dear lady asked to speak to the congregation. She confessed to hiding behind the fact that she is 'old' and has not used her voice to really sing for the Lord. She then went on to sing the first stanza of Amazing Grace.. The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable and eveybody was visibly moved at this lady's spontaneous and genuine response to God's propmpting.

It is awesome to see God at work through us.. I am humbled and so blessed.

Friday, 12 October 2007

MC'ing at Berdian & Juliet's fund raiser

Saturday Night - 6th October 2007, I welcome guests to the fundraiser organised for Berdian and Juliet Beukes' deputation visit to the USA and Europe. Berdian is the Country Director for Christ's Hope Namibia.

11th October 2007

It's been quite a busy week for us here at the Training Centre in Okahandja. Faye has been working with audtiors to get our annual audit completed in time for the International Board Meeting to be held in the UK in early November.. Looks like it will be ready in time for that.

I (Eric) have been working on the details for our leadership programme that we are planning to launch in February 2008, as well as supervising the staff at the Training Centre.

Larnelle has become quite enamored with softball and was yesterday selected to the team. We are very proud of the fact that on the day set aside as the Namibian Child day she was selected to read a speech at the special assembly at school. I was actually very impressed that the class teacher asked Faye and I if that was okay before speaking to Larnelle. Needless to say that both Faye and I spent time coaching Larnelle on how to read her speech, which I am told went very well.

Our Sydney is doing great at her pre-school and is learning more and more Afrikaans. Just yesterday as we walked together she informed me that she had "Baie Geld" in her bag. (Lots of money). She has a slight cold at the moment but will be up and about in the next day or so.

This Sunday I will have the opportunity to preach at the local church we have been attending - Manna New Covenant Church. Faye and I are planning to speak to the Pastor (Derek Moore) about running a Bible Study during the week, and if all goes well we see this starting within the next three weeks.

Below is a photo of Faye and the children with Faye's dad (papa).. Taken during his visit with us in August. Joshua was about one week old at the time. We enjoyed having dad visit and are looking forward to the day when others of our family and friends will be able to visit us.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

The Garnie Family In Namibia

THANK YOU for visiting our site..

We want this site to be another way of keeping in touch with you and trust that it will prove an updated means of knowing how we are getting along as missionaries here in Namibia and the rest of the World.

To get started there is some basic information about us. As time progresses we will be posting more news and information.
Born and raised in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Eric was educated at Founders High School followed by three years at the Bulawayo Techinical College where he graduated with a National Higher Diploma (with Honours) in Environmental Health. This lead to a career as an Environmental Health Officer with the Bulawayo City Council. After seven years of service, during which time he rose to the position of Senior Health Inspector, Eric resigned and travelled to the USA for a one year attachment to a Christian Music Ministry called the Carpenter's Tools International. Following this one year attachment he returned to Zimbabwe to take up a position with Youth For Christ Zimbabwe. After one year as a Ministry Co-ordinator he was appointed to the position of Centre Director for Bulawayo and then to the position of National Director of YFC Zimbabwe. In 1993, while still in the employ of YFC Eric attended the Haggai Institutes facility in Singapore for a one month intensive leadership development course.

On the 11th December 1993 we were married at St Francis Anglican Church in Barham Green, Bulawayo.

1996 - After 8 years of ministry with YFC Zimbabwe Eric accepted a call to serve as the Senior Pastor of Revival Centre Ministries, where he served faithfully until 2005 when again a call to a new assignment was accepted. This call lead Eric and Faye to move from Zimbabwe to Okahandja - Namibia.

Faye was born in Bulawayo, the only daughter of Chappie and Hilary Bent.
Faye completed her High Schooling at Montrose High School and then began her working career. Faye worked at a bank and then for a transport company.. Following breaks after the birth of the two girls (Larnelle and Sydney), Faye accepted a post as warehouse manageress for a textile firm.
Faye now serves in Christ's Hope International as the Office Manageress/Administrator.

Our Children:

LARNELLE (on her 11th birthday)

SYDNEY (on her 3rd birthday)

JOSHUA ERIC. (One day old)

For more about our Missionary work visit the Christ's Hope International Website