The first day of December is set aside on the World calendar as " World Aids Day".. All across the globe on a variety of stages there are messages declared concerning various aspects of this Global Pandemic. Movie stars, Media Icons, Presidents and Prime Ministers alike all take to the stage to make a plethora of calls to bring about a halt to the Aids pandemic.
Many are the ways that each espouses and one can be critical of each.. One thing however is very clear and common to all is the reality that Aids is a global reality that requires a multiplicity of responses to bring about a reduction in new infections, care for Orphans and vulnerable children, reduction of stigmatisation toward those living with Aids, prevention of transmission from mother to child, provision of appropriate counselling and care for those who become aware of their positive status etc etc.. The list is seemingly endless.
This years theme placed the focus exactly where I believe it should be.. LEADERSHIP !!
The theme for the day was: Leadership is Being There to Care..
When leaders lead well, even the most serious of situations or most troubling of conditions have a greater chance of being taken care of.
It was my privilege to travel with Berdian Beukes (Country Director- Namibia), to the Southern town of Keetmanshoop. The Governor of the region visited our children's home - The Ark and spoke to our staff and children. After being presented with a John Maxwell Leadership Bible 

Our children helped make the speech time more bearable by providing entertainment for the the guests, in the form of some very enjoyable and wonderful dance presentations.. 

All in all it was an enjoyable afternoon meeting and we are thankful for the opportunity to have brought our home to the attention of the Governor. Governor Boois pledged a financial gift to the home and also gave a special gift towards a Christmas party for the children..
Larnelle and Sydney are both very pleased that it is now school holidays and Larnelle is particularly please because it means she can spend lots of time with her friends.. Sydney of course spends a lot of time with us and presents us with quite a challenge as to maintaining a balance with work and ensuring she does not feel neglected or left out.
The weather at the moment is extremely hot and we are very hopeful for the rains to begin within the next week or so. We need a healthy rainy season this year..
So let's be there to care, not only for those with HIV BUT also for our families and our friends. After all we all need to know we are loved and to have the experiential reality of that fact..
1 comment:
Good words.
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