Saturday 12 February 2011

Rain Rain Rain

It has been raining almost continually for the past three weeks or more, and the once dry landscape has turned into this amazing green 'garden'.   With all the rain, the rivers have been flowing and a couple of Sundays ago we decided to take a drive out to the Swakop River for a picnic lunch.  We had such a blast that we were out at the river again the following Sunday..

The most enjoyable part of the visits to the river is watching Larnelle, Sydney and Joshua playing in the water and having such a blast.. Larnelle gets to be BIG sister and has to keep an eye on Joshua... Well he thinks he's big now and that he can do anything he sees others doing..

A wonderful benefit of the rainy weather is the fact that the temperatures have cooled significantly - yes it is still warm but not the unrelenting and merciless heat for which Okahandja is so well known.. At night we are able to get some sleep and even have to use a light quilt.

I have been particularly glad for the cooler weather as it meant I was able to play tennis and really enjoy the game.. I play about once or twice a week and am able to hold my own on the court.. sadly I do not get much opportunity to play basketball..

Faye and I have been rather busy and she in particular as she spent much time in getting the paperwork ready for our auditors.. Man am I glad I don't have to do that kind of stuff.....

We are very well and enjoying the work God has placed before us.. The church is growing and we are now considering introducing a second service.. The children's church has also grown and Faye is actively looking for those she can train up to teach children.  I too have my hands full with bringing an effective and workable structure into the life of the church..

Work on the youth Centre in Five Rand (informal settlement) is just about completed and we are now in the exciting and necessary phase of fine tuning our plans for actually using the facility.  My role promises to be very challenging and quite comprehensive.  If ever I needed to know the closeness of the Lord and the Holy Spirit it is now..  God is at work and I want to remain sensitive to where He is at work so that I may join Him and be effective for Christ..

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