Friday 14 May 2010

The Eagle Has Landed

It is Thursday morning and I am seated in Pastor Lon's living room. We are in Denver Colorado.  The weather outside is cool and the sun is shining brightly..

I left Namibia on Tuesday at about lunchtime and flew to Johannesburg where I had the joy of spending some time with a very good friend of mine - Mark Pendy.  We were able to chat and catch up on the news about each other..  He took me to Mugg and Bean for coffee and we then went to his home and to my joy was able to see Cassy (Mark's wife) and their four children.

The flight to Frankfurt was uneventful and to be honest I slept most of the way.  I had no problems in Frankfurt and after a five hour layover, boarded the flight to Denver.

I was seated next to dear old lady who made sure to keep checking up on me throughout the entire flight- hence I did not get much sleep.

The fun really began when I got to the Immigration desk- for the first time in my life I was taken to the special interview room.  Needless to say I was a bit anxious as to why I was now having to go to the interview room.  After a 30 minute delay I was finally interviewed.. Can you believe it, the problem was that they were not happy with my passport picture.. The man said this to me- :"I can see it's you but it's not a really good photo" You work that out !   At any rate, because of the delay, I was simply waved through and that was up my street as I was not in the mood for another delay, or suitcase searching exercise to find nothing..

My friend, Pastor Lon is looking very well and this morning we went together on a Pastoral visit.

It is quite surprising that I have not really experienced jet lag.  I slept well last night and this morning was feeling just fine.  

I gotta run now as we are having a cookout with Pastor Lon's family.  Back home we would call that a braai.

More posts in the days ahead..

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