Thursday 20 May 2010

Food Food Food

I have been in the USA for just over a week and one thing has become very clear- I will have to exercise self control when it comes to food..   I guess I look like I need some fattening up.. 

On Monday night Pastor Lon and I were in the mountains relaxing and being refreshed.. It was a most wonderful time- the beauty of the Rockies is something to behold and with the sun shining brightly and the weather not too cold I relaxed in the beauty of God's creation and meditated on the Psalm that reminds us to be still and Know that He is God..  

This past Saturday Ps Lon and I met with a group of people who had all been on the mission field in some part of Africa.. We shared our experiences, and prayed for each other's present needs. One of the folk shared that he was due to fly to Angola via London BUT that there was the possibility of a strike by BA employees.. You can imagine my joy when a few days later we heard a news broadcast informing people that the strike would not go ahead.. I am waiting to hear that this man made it to Angola on time.

Tomorrow afternoon I fly to Ontario California-- yes I know- when you hear Ontario the first thought is Canada.. At any rate I will spend about five days in Southern California.. It is going to be great to visit the folk at Grace Presbyterian Church (Temecula) who have been faithfully partnering with Faye and I in ministry..  I was last with them in 2007, and they have been supporting us since then.  Spending time with my dear brother in Christ Bob Vasquez and his dear wife Jan is going to be a highlight of my time in California..  

Whilst in Southern California it is my hope to visit some Zimbabwean friends - Vic and Nancy.. We have been in touch for some time and it just seems as though our plans are experiencing some turbulence and disturbance...  I hope we will visit, but if we don't we both recognize it does not affect our friendship.  

Keep an eye on this space for more updates.. 

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